South Asia Partnership(SAP-SRI) recently launched a project to strengthening rural entrepreneurship by adding value to traditional crafts. The three-year project, supported by HSBC, will be implemented mainly in the district secretariat divisions of Nawagattegama and Pallama in Puttalam district.
The project looks to enhance income of the existing producers, attract new and young persons to the industry, and create women entrepreneurs by providing technical as well financial know-how and linking them to appropriate markets. The Puttalam district Additional District Secretary was the chief guest at the launching ceremony. The Chairman and the Executive Director of SAP, Divisional Secretaries of Pallama and Nawagattegma, Director of District Planning Unit, District officer of Craft Council, Assistant Director Planning, the District Officer of Tourism Development in Puttalam were among the dignitaries attending the event. Representatives of craft producer groups, and other divisional level officers and staff of SAP-SRI were also present.