Our work

Since our inception in 1981, South Asia Partnership  – Sri Lanka has carried out scores of projects across the length and breadth of Sri Lanka. We have been at the forefront of utilising sustainable and self-reliant methods for socio-economic development for the poorest and most socially excluded communities in the country.

We have strived to improve the livelihoods of low income groups in rural and urban areas by improving local infrastructure, including sanitation and irrigation systems, providing access to safe water, agro well construction, and housing schemes, and by providing access to financial resources, training and awareness building, and agricultural development.

We have demonstrated strong institutional capacity and project implementation in the management of our finances in particular, and in the mobilisation of our resources. We have robust financial planning, management, and resource allocation systems that have allowed us to handle large sums from a wide range of international donors over the past 30 years.

Current Projects

Sustainable Agriculture and Global Exchange (SAGE) program

● between the United States and Sri Lanka

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Small and Medium Enterprise Development (SMED)

● Anuradhapura ● Polonnaruwa ● Kurunagala ● Galle
● Kaluthara ● Rathnapura ● Ebilipitiya

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Strengthening Rural Entrepreneurship by Adding Value to Traditional Crafts

● Puttalam District > Nawagaththegama

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Climate Resilient Integrated Water Management Project

● Puttalam District > Nawagaththegama

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Sustainable Agriculture and Global Exchange (SAGE) program

● between the United States and Sri Lanka

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Climate Resilient Integrated Water Management Project

● Puttalam District > Nawagaththegama

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Past Projects

Community Participatory Action to build resilience in response to drought and human elephant conflict, Nawagattegama, Sri Lanka -CPABR

● Puttalam District > Nawagattegama

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Peoples’ Initiative for Responsible Management of Water Resources at Kudadodanathathawa

● Puttalam District > Kudadodanathathawa

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Ten-Year Impact Assessment of Short Term Trainings and Diploma Certificate Programs

Conducted by The Training Division, National Institute of Social Development - Rajagiriya

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A Tank Based Biodiversity Improvement & Protection Project

● Anuradhapura District > Alisthana Tank
● Gef Small grant Program ( 2014-2016)

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Consultancy for the training of PRA Monitors in Uva, Southern and Eastern Province

under the Climate Smart Irrigated Agriculture Project- CSIAP (Trincomalee & Hambantota)
● 2019

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Youth as Agents of Change project:

● (2007-2010)

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