
CALL BID TO Development of Sustainable Resource Management and Livelihood Development Plan for the Medderembewa Cascade in Puttalam District

Bid No. : SAPSRI/CRIWMP/2024/01/24
Date of Submission: June 03, 2024, 10:00 a.m.
Submit via: Register post only

Under the “Development of Sustainable Resource Management and Livelihood Development Plan for the Medderembewa Cascade in Puttalam District,” project funded by CRIWMP through UNDP, South Asia Partnership-Sri Lanka is soliciting requests for quotations from qualified institutions to Development of Sustainable Resource Management and Livelihood Development Plan.


BOQ – Development of Sustainable Resource Management and Livelihood Development Plan for the Medderembewa Cascade in Puttalam District

Send all quotations, BOQ according to the design of the coops, and company profiles to the address below before the closing date.

The RFQ should be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing the bidder’s name and address and the word “Development of Sustainable Resource Management and Livelihood Development Plan for the Medderembewa Cascade in Puttalam District” on the top left corner of the envelope and sent to:
Executive Director,
South Asia Partnership – Sri Lanka
1175/2, Lake Crescent,
Kotte Road,

The SAPSRI reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, or portions thereof, and waive immaterial defects if doing so would be in the best interest of the CRIWM project.