Peoples’ Initiative for Responsible Management of Water Resources at Kudadodanathathawa
It is with great pleasure to announce that South Asia Partnership Sri Lanka will launch the Peoples’ Initiative for Responsible Management of Water Resources at Kudadodanathathawa project in Nawagathegama Divisional Secretariat, Puttalam District, Sri Lanka in the 26th February 2019. The project is supported by the France Libertés –Danielle Mitterrand foundation under the theme of Water & Climate Initiative -Return Water to the earth to restore the climate.
SAPSRI wishes to extend its sincere gratitude to France Libertés –Danielle Mitterrand Foundation for joining hands with SAPSRI in supporting the protection and preservation of the local water resource in Sri Lanka. It is hoped that this initiative will enable the communities to take collective action to maintain the local water cycle and thereby to protect scarce water resources.
Project Progress

Output 1:
Upgrading and enhancing resilience of village irrigation systems and scaling up climate-resilient farming practices in three river basins of the Dry Zone

Output 2:
Enhancing climate-resilient, decentralized water supply and management solutions to provide access to safe drinking water to vulnerable communities

Output 3:
Strengthening weather/climate and hydrological observing, forecasting and water management systems to enhance adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers to droughts and floods.
Sucsess Story

Funded by:
France Libertés –Danielle Mitterrand foundation

Implemented by:
South Asia Partnership
Sri Lanka

Supported by:
Divisional Secretariat Nawagaththegama