Small and Medium Enterprise
Development Program
SAPSRI board- based micro finance portfolio provide credit support to a wide range of clientele largely in the rural and law- income earning urban environments. Borrowers can apply for credit facilities for any self- employment oriented gainful economic activity which is not illegal. SAPSRI micro finance provision is not a grant. It is a Credit ++ pack with a series of preoperational strategies such as training, guidance and management of funds which have to be undergone by the prospective borrower with proper screening. SAPSRI provides loans at extremely low interest-rates –rate will below than of the other financial institutions. Another significant, about our credit program is that, a portion of interest earned from lending to the borrower through their respective CBOs is left with the society towards strengthening of their financial base.
SAPSRI usually, provide small amounts as loans to the low-income earning categories – female heads of households, widows, internally displaced and youth. With careful monitoring of the progress of the income generating activities (IGA’s) gradually enhance the subsequent loans. There are instance where the borrower obtain Rs.2000/= as the first loan, after effective utilization graduated over time to request Rs.200, 000/= or more after about 5 or 6 rounds of progressive borrowings.
Such successful borrowings are in all fold of economic pursuits- agriculture of all forms, animal husbandry- food processing and trade and cottage based production and manufacturing, common of many facets.
“We have wide range of credit types to outfit poor entrepreneurs who left behind of banks and financial institutions.”

Lively-wood Development Program

Entrepreneurship Development Program